Deanna Maye Bruns passed away in Burien, Washington on December 2nd, 2024. Deanna will be missed and is loved by many family members and friends. Family is currently working on a more complete obituary.
Please honor the life and memory of them by leaving cherished memories, messages, and photos for their family.
Funeral arrangements have been faithfully entrusted to Cremation Plus.
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Colette Sexton
To Louie and the Bruns Family, Deanna and I have been Friends since the late 1960's until the time of her passing. I will always remember Deanna for her compassion, courage, kindness and strength. She would often put the needs of others before herself. As a friend she didn't care about what I had, she loved me for the person I am. Over the years we never ended a phone call without saying, "I Love You!" She is gone now, but will Not be Forgotten. Rest Well My Friend... Love Always, Colette
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