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Jeannette LeeAnn Shaffer

10/02/1974 - 12/12/2023


Obituary For Jeannette LeeAnn Shaffer

Jeannette LeeAnn Shaffer born October 2, 1974 died on December 12, 2023 with illness that left her suffering and her body could no longer sustain the grief. Now she is at rest and with beloved family and cherished pets. Her remains were cremation at Cremation Plus of Puyallup, Wash. No Service Scheduled.

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  • 01/09/2024

    I have known Jeanette and her family pretty much her whole life( minus about 8 months). It saddens me to know she has passed, especially since I have a son 4 months younger than her. May she rest in eternal peace. ♥️

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